Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Goodbye to Campobello

It has been a wonderful summer/fall. The weather has been exceptional for us in New England (until the most recent storm) and we have found the fall colours thrilling to behold.  As I reviewed our pictures, many thoughts and reflections came to mind.  There will be several posts over the next few days. Today, we are going to share the end of our time on our "beloved island" aptly named by FDR.

So much of what we experience is coloured by the perspective of our mind and spirit.  I believe this is so often distorted by our feelings of health, safety and well-being. We have found a place of peace and calm on Campobello Island.  Because of this, we have booked a seasonal site for next summer and hope that we can spend many more days in this place.

Latona and I have just had an interesting discussion on "reflection".  (You may want to google this word and follow some of the thought-provoking definitions we found.) Basically and crudely, a reflection is caused when light is not absorbed (like by a water surface) but bounces back and casts off a picture exactly the same as the original, but of course, not the thing itself. We marvel at this and share here some of our reflections.


I wonder if reflection shapes our memories of things we have seen and experience, and "reflects" the experience back to us when we recall it. 

The surprises to our eyes 
Another thought came from our encounter with a small tree. How much does what we see and our reaction to it, depend on the light that shines upon it?

A peeling piece of bark...

How beautiful the little piece of bark...

Another surprise that caught our eye. What is this growing from a dead Birch on our site? We still don't know!

Taking risks on the Journey: 
On another hike, as we usually do, we walked the mark paths that were very familiar to us.

But we also got another lesson from the Beavers who lived in the area. "Don't be afraid of an unmarked path. Create your own journey".  Here is a path made by the Beavers, and it acts as a runway to their pond. Wonder if the Otters use it too. 😍

Look ar what you see:
On this particular hike we found some sphagnum moss and gloried in the star-shapes on the close up.

Importance and excitement of keeping in touch:
And we had a visit from our friend, a member of the dragonfly family that we named Red.  During our last lunch on the Upper Duck Pond trail, the fly came to sit on my shoulder.  Each day we hiked, we carried a lunch for a break and enjoyment of the day. I was so excited to see this creature who visited us for the third time.  Goodbye Red.

In my heart I also,thanked our friends Joan and Lucille for awakening me/us to another wonderful creature in nature.

Willingness to be expanded and humbled:
On Campobello, we have great opportunities to allow ourselves to be expanded into the sky and the ocean...  At the same time, we feel our size!  As important as a grain of sand the creates the beach.

Campobello island has been a peaceful and calm summer home for us that has taught us so many things. The importance of Light in our hearts, and the preciousness of reflection and memory. The value of keeping in touch as Red taught us, and the gifts we receive from our friends. The opportunity to allow ourselves to be expanded and humbled at the same time, and the joy of walking with the eyes of our Spirit open and ready for the surprises in nature. We continue to find the ease, the peace, the calm, the beauty and the harmony in allowing our work to be loving the world...

A few more shots from "work"😍

My worldπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

We miss our "beloved island" and look forward to enjoying our reflections until we return!
With gratitude...

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