We have been here at Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge since January 5, and finally getting settled into our schedule of water aerobics, senior exercises and walking the nature trail. We have had fun reconnecting with friends here and the spirit of community that is part of the identity of the group here. As you remember, we sold our beloved home on Chemo Pond the day of August, and recently (December 29) bought our new home-on-wheels.
When we arrived at our site that we have reserved for five years now, we caused quite a stir. Our friends celebrated our new 'rig' and have come for visits and tours. The tour doesn't take long but their enthusiasm has made us even happier about our purchase. Our friend on the site across from us is an electrical engineer, technical expert and eager-to-help person. He has been educating me about so many new things I need to about our Leisure Travel Van.
Now to share some pictures from our first week here in the Keys:
Along the nature trail, we got a picture of these common waders - White Ibis |
Latona noticed this buck resting in the bushes right behind our van. |
This "friendly" manatee came into one of the canals in the campground. |
Our clothes line on back of our site! |
One of the Key deer who really wanted a taste of our watermelon. |
For the bird lovers - a picture of a Great Egret in a mangrove pond beside the nature trail. |
A Florida Tree Snail - about two inches long. Many are multicolored. The ones here are all white, |
And for all the Latona fans, here she is among the Gumbp Limbo trees on the Nature Trail. These trees are red and peel often, so are called the 'tourist tree'. |
Well, almost time to sign off for now and I will look forward to posting again soon. Hopefully, we can hear from some of you and learn that the blog is coming out to greet you, our friends and family. We have been caught up with our own affairs lately and did not even send out a holiday letter, so I hope this will reach each of you with our love and care.
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