Thursday, December 20, 2012

Connections more precious...

In the past week, we have been wondering how to connect with friends and family in light of the horrible suffering in our nation and world.  Should we offer pictures of the holidays in New York, or even pictures of a historic church in Philadelphia.  We can only say in these times each relationship we enjoy has become more precious, and the chance to celebrate each moment in this fragile journey more significant.  In the spirit of respect, and with a heartfelt compassion for the pain for all the victims of Newtown, we are sharing these photos.

Radio City Music Hall - Manhattan

My favorite place to get a hot dog

Alice in Wonderland in Central Park

Beauty everywhere at Longwood Gardens

Live Poinsettia Ball - Longwood

William Penn atop City Hall in center city, Philadelphia

Christ Church, Philadelphia

We are grateful to my sister and her husband for such a special week - Manhattan, Dupont's             Longwood Gardens and Philadelphia.

         With humble hearts, we wish you all a holiday of peace and comfort.  Love, L&L

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lin
    Read the newest entry. Which sister do you refer to the NYC trip?
