The Orchard Oriole
The Sora
Eastern Screech Owl
Hooded Warbler (male)
The Least Bittern
The shy Painted Bunting in the grass
Great-tailed Grackle (one of Latona's favorites)
We watch the weather daily, and listen to the experts and head to South Padre Island on what might be a good day. We wait with the many bird watchers and photographers and anticipate the treasures that may appear. Tomorrow is another birding day ...yippee!
Beach Clean-up We went to,the Turtle Inc presentation the other day and heard about a volunteer chance to help clean the beach. We joined into the activity and had a good experience. Each time I picked up something, I rejoiced for the turtle trying to build her nest in the area, and the little babies that would emerge in about two months.
Beach Cleaning in Anticipation of Turtle Nesting Season
Birds migrating over our heads.
Some of the other "cleaners"
We were some of the older folks in the group.😄
Texas Onion Festival In March we had another opportunity to visit a Texas festival...the Texas Onion Festival!
Mariachi musicians - this group was made up woman who are also teachers. Very good!
Easter Celebration in Texas
The blooming of all the flowers has been part of our celebration. Prickly pear bouquet!
Wild,or,Mexican Olive
Pink/red Prickly pear
Prickly Pear flower
Coral Bean
Orange Prickly Pear
GratitudeLatona and I are very grateful for all the beauty and joy of our lives. Perhaps the gifts we cherish the most are the wonderful friends who share our journey. These sweet friends came for a visit this winter, and we want to celebrate them and the times we shared.
Tracy and Cindy
Cathryn, Patti and Latona
Soon, we too will be heading north. We are looking forward to so many things as we "migrate"
back to family and friends. Most of all, we look forward to being with YOU!