No matter where we go and what we experience, we always say "It's all about the people". It is true here in the Keys as well. A valuable part of our stay is the people we get to see each winter. (In another post I will share more about the folks that stay here for many months and have become very dear friends.) But we also have visits with short timers - those who come for a week or less. Jim and Tonya arrive early in January and stay for five days usually, and we now have visited them at their home in Maryland and they have visited us in Maine.
We have also shared this past week with friends Cindy and Tracy, two women we met here at BPKFL. We have maintained a friendship with them away from here as well. They spent the past week with us and one of the trips we made was a walk on the beach. They also caught some wonderful fish that they cooked and shared with us!
We found another Bahama Star and got a better picture!
But certainly a high light of the week as a trip together to Key West. Our campground at the Fishing Lodge is in the Lower Keys and only 33 miles north of Key West.
We are including some photos here to give you a feeling of the special place. The day included Margarita Pizza at Willie T's, and Fish Tacos at the Hogsbreath Saloon, and stops at Peter Lik's Gallery, Mallory Square, and Schooner Wharf in the Key West Bight.
The Key West Fowl own the place.
A Strangler Fig Tree in the front of the Lighthouse.
Some of the Keys colours and tropical sights...
Home of Richard Kemp for whom the Kemps Ridley Turtle is named.
Deceptive picture from the outside of the oldest eating establishment in Key West - Pepes!
Beautiful wood inside.
One of the Wyland Walls on the side of a brewery.
All kinds of boats in the Harbor at Key West Bight.
More Keysie!
Said the home of the Key Lime Pie beside the entrance.
One of the many bars and eating spots.
Famous Mallory Square where street performers earn a living and thousands experimce the sunset on clear nights.
There she is, our own Vanna!
One of the many tourist attractions.
This place shows its good taste with the Maine Lobster Roll on the menu!
A fun story of the day came with our visit to the Bull. We enjoyed the live music and met this couple from Tennessee. Some times you just hit it off with folks, and we certainly did with Bill and Jackie!
The third floor of the Bull offers an interesting option. We skipped that one.
The Women's Club was having a big event.
The Key West movie theatre. Note the statue of Marilyn Monroe on the sidewalk.
The place where it all begins...
Or ends. (Right across the street from each other.)
I'll end with a photo from BPKFL. We are grateful for each day and send you warm hugs from the Keys of Florida. Take the hand of your best friend and go out to play! This day is a gift!