Two new posts will show up today since the last one I wrote a while ago was waiting in the "draft" status. OOPS!
After Nick and Harriet left, we moved from our rustic site and planned for our last ten days at BPKFL to be in "electric". We wanted to learn more about our new home while we were with friends to help us.
View from our site in Electric |
So on March 1, we went into site #98 on the electric side of the Fishing Lodge and we learned a lot in a few days. Our friend Wayne was with us as we hooked up the water, and turned on the hot water heater. Then we plugged in the 30 amp wire and waited to see what other bells and whistles would work. We were excited to see the microwave lights go on ( and realized we could have a pizza for dinner or popcorn). Next, we tried the furnace and added some heat ( and cooling) since there is a central air system in the van, and finally we attached the cable for TV and turned on the Sony flatscreen and wow! for the first time in our life we had cable. It was really a treat to watch a movie.
I want to introduce you to Joan, the creator of BPKFL. She is not interested in accolades and shies away from complements, but anyone in the campground will tell you that this special community results from her energy and vision, as well as the participation of all the people there.
Some one described the place as the "fountain of youth", and surely there is something to that description. Most of the winter campers are between 50 and 90 and are caring, playful, active, busy, fish-eating and sunshine-loving people. During these final days, we celebrated The Big "O" Party for people celebrating another decade of wedding anniversaries. It was surprising to see how many couples had celebrated 50 and, some, 60 years together, both still healthy and active. It was wonderful to be part of this ceremony, and the celebration of commitment, longevity and friendship. Joan and friends created the skits for the program.
We had some other great events during the last week or so there, like the luncheon to celebrate our leader Lois and all the members of the water aerobics classes, and the sour-dough waffle brunch to celebrate Joe and Trudy's birthdays (about 60 people attended). The Road Kill Party (dinner, karaoke and dancing) for the whole campground was held our last Saturday night in camp. Joan and friends cooked all the food and served it.
So...when March 10 came around it was a sad day when we had to drive across the Seven Mile Bridge and leave BPKFL. We send a special thank you to Joan, her daughter Brenda, all the staff in the office and the campground and all our dear friends. We miss you and hope we can all be together again next winter at BPKFL.
As we passed along the Overseas Highway heading north, we said goodbye to Bahia Honda State Park and our beach walks.
We realize that these changes are part of life. Now the seasons are changing everywhere, and the hope for spring is growing. Four of our five grandchildren have turned another year older, and soon Latona and I will celebrate another year together. Mom and Chick are experiencing changes too, and soon we will be with them to help negotiate some of life's tough decisions that are part of aging.
We are grateful to our friends Pat and Jean who welcomed us to their home the day we left BPKFL. After a few wonderful days with them, we will welcome Torrey to sunny Florida for a special time with Meme and Nanny, and after a much anticipated stay with Debbie, Linden, Janet, Ozzie and Haley we will head north to Wildwood and share more life changes with Mom.
We will keep you posted as we try to grow and celebrate the changes that everyday brings to us. With love and all our best.
This date, March 12, is the day we started the Appalachian Trail together as the
Daicey Duo. I celebrate every moment we have walked together! How blessed I am!